Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is a type of spiritual companionship where one person (Director) provides a time and place for another person (Directee) to interact with God “outside their head” in a safe, prayerful, and welcoming atmosphere for spiritual health and growth. During a session, you are invited to explore your relationship with God by considering questions including but not limited to: Where do you put your faith? How is that faith being stretched? What is God saying to you? How is God inviting you to grow more fully into the person God wants you to be?

The spiritual direction of the Pilgrimage (via Jennifer Layte) is a product of Trinitarian, Jesus-focused spirituality, but directees do not need to be Christians to seek spiritual direction here. Each person is met without agenda where they find themselves on their soul-pilgrimage and in their understanding of God. If you are open to exploring who God is and how God might intersect with your life, it would be an honor to accompany you on your pilgrimage. Please contact Jenn to discuss whether spiritual direction would be a good fit for you at this time. Each session is $75, after a complementary discernment session.

In late November 2020, a pastors’ support ministry, Barnabas Ministries, Inc., hosted a panel discussion on spiritual health–particularly for pastors (who can be notorious at neglecting their own)–but also for anybody. Jenn was one of the panelists. If you would like to consider spiritual direction further, accounting for the views of multiple directors, you’re invited to view that discussion as you continue to consider your own pursuit of spiritual health and wholeness.